18.05.2008 Sunday 20.30
19.05.2008 Monday 18.30
19.05.2008 Monday 21.30
20.05.2008 Tuesday 20.30


  • Written and Directed by: Kerem Kurdoğlu
  • Choreography: Candaş Baş
  • Music: İmre Hadi

“If the fictional idea behind The Trial by Kafka occurred to a playwright living in İstanbul today, and if he/she wrote a play around that concept, what would that play be like?” Writer-director Kerem Kurdoglu has re-written The Trial, in search of the answer to this very question. It is difficult to define the outcome as “Kafkaesque”; on the contrary, it is a colourful tale of “falling from heights” wrapped up in the shiny, glossy coat of the world of entertainment. A show where music, choreography and spectacle claim center-stage... Welcome to an entertaining Kafka musical!
