18.05.2000, 20.30, Atatürk Cultural Center, Grand Hall


  • Written by: Euripides
  • Directed by: Dimitris Papaioannou

The work takes the mythology on which the tragedy was based to focus our interest on the basic love triangle: The exotic with Medea, who for the sake of her love betrays her father and rejects her come country, the illustrious Greek hero Jason who returns from the campaign of Argonauts with the Golden Fleece and Medea and the daughter of King Kreon Glauke, who Jason is courting for the royal wedding. The Sun God is the fourth character of our performance as an ancestor of Medea. The fifth character, the Dark God is the servant and the wild instinct of Medea, the opposite side of Sun God, the Darkness of Light. The five chosen characters are presented as archetypes.Medea like a wild swan, Jason like Rudolph Valentino, Glauke like a memory of an innocent Betty Boop.The Sun God like a Caravaggio painting, like an ancient Greek statue, and the dark servant like a wild dog. The stage conception is based on the use of water. The music chosen for this work is colleage of Vincenzo Bellini operas. These areas some times light some times majestic some times intensively dramatic underline the emotional route of the performance.
