23, 24.05.2002
Rumeli Fortress


  • Written by: William Shakespeare
  • Directed by: Şükrü Türen

Othello is generally recognized as one of the four great tragedies by Shakespeare who has chosen the Island of Cyprus to be the setting. As the intelligence is received that the Ottoman Fleet is approaching the Island, the noble and heroic Commander Othello -who had yet secretly married Senator Brabantio’s beautiful daughter Desdemona- is sent to Cyprus, having been assigned to withstand the imminent assault. From then on, the events unfold gradually in relation to the black hero married to a white lady. Othello, who is sensitive and has deep confidence in Iago, is yet misled by him into believing that Desdemona is unfaithful. Thus, he is overwhelmed by his fury. Observing that his skin color is constantly made a topic by the others, can we not think that Shakespeare lays emphasis on the issue of a racism that was perpetual? Just as in all his work, in Othello too, Shakespeare carries out his in-depth inquiry into the abysmal depths of human nature, contrasting the human qualities and deeds like the good, the evil, honesty, betrayal and jealousy.
