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IMPORTANT NOTICE: The show consists of independent single-person entries. Only 1 person will be admitted every 10 minutes at specified intervals to the show that lasts 30 minutes in total. The show is for one person and will be viewed standing. Late arrivals will not be accepted; audiences should arrive at the venue no later than thirty minutes before the show. Audiences who arrive late will not be admitted and tickets will not be refunded. We would like to remind our audience not to bring large bags, and that they will be asked to leave their coats in the cloakroom.
- Concept: Begüm Erciyas
- Realization: Begüm Erciyas & Matthias Meppelink
- Dramaturgy: Marnix Rummens
- Live-Operation: Eric Desjeux, Marc Melià, Begüm Erciyas
- Text: Matthias Meppelink, Begüm Erciyas, Jacob Wren
- Set Realization: Tim Vanhentenryk
- Artistic Collaboration: Jean Baptiste Veyret-Logerias
- Production: Begüm Erciyas, Platform 0090
- Production Management and PR: Barbara Greiner
- Co-production: wpZimmer, STUK Leuven, Tanzfabrik Berlin/ Tanznacht
- Research Support/Residency: Kunstencentrum BUDA Kortrijk, Q-O2, FrankfurtLAB, Tanzrecherche NRW, Goethe Institut – Villa Kamogawa
- Supported by: Hauptstadkulturfonds Berlin
The collaboration between the Istanbul Theatre Festival, Belgium-based Platform 0090 and the Flemish Ministry of Culture continues in 2019. Flemish Ministry of Culture is contributing to the festival this year by supporting the dance companies Ultima Vez and Voetvolk, and the work of Begüm Erciyas.
Voicing Pieces invites the participants to meet their inner voices, leaving them alone with their own voice. How much attention do you pay to your inner voice? Where, when and how much do you listen to it? Is it really your voice you are conversing with? Would you like to be a “spectator” of your own voice? Participants will be “spectators” of their voices where their voice takes the lead role in the privacy of an isolated sound booth, guided by a simple score. Isn’t one’s voice always hidden and mysterious? Who actually speaks when someone speaks with their own voice? In Voicing Pieces we encounter the “us” inside as we experience ourselves as a “diversity”, a “multitude”; the boundary between the speaker, the voice of the speaker and the voice of the text evaporates delicately. Invites you on a long journey. At the end, it will bring you back home, to your own voice.