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Lasts app. 90’; no intermission.
- Written by: Lauren Gunderson
- Project Designed, Concept & Directed by: Yağmur Yağmur
- Translated into Turkish by: Gülay Gür
- Assistant Director: Zeliha Gürsoy
- Producer: Yağmur Yağmur
- Stage Design: Yağmur Yağmur
- Light Design: Ayşe Sedef Ayter
- Movement Arrangement: Orçun Okurgan
- Costume Design: Gaye Kızılışık
- Music Design: Kintu Works, Muntu Works & Aytun
- Poster & Visual Design: Erin İlkcan Aslan
- Voice Trainer: Çağrı Hün
- Assistant Director: Hazal Kadak Baki
- Performers: Betül Arım, Zeliha Gürsoy, Simel Aksünger, Buket Gülbeyaz
Feminist playwright Olympe, daring assassin Charlotte, brave spy Marienne and stubborn, forward-thinking Queen Marie... Even though they had never crossed paths in real life, these four women were a part of the French Revolution with their actions and ideas, and were all executed at the guillotine. The Revolutionist brings these four women together in a timeless and spaceless environment. Gathered together in the mind of Olympe de Gouges, the characters are not content with the story they were given, and just as they did in real life they take control of their stories. A half-fiction half-real, original, intriguing women’s meeting that brings violence and comedy side by side, which will lead the audience to think differently about the concepts of ‘equality and sisterhood’... The seed of a strange conversation with 18th-century France about who we might be in the time of the ‘Kingdom of Fear’ or who they might be today...