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Although we all dream of an “equal” world for our children's future, how gender equal are the tales we tell them, the books we read and the plays we make them watch? When choosing cultural and artistic activities, or books for their children, how can parents avoid the narratives that divide children as girls and boys, or those that impose gender roles on them? The essential task of finding gender-equal fairy tales, games, and stories falls upon parents. We need to take care in choosing art productions where heroes are not divided according to gender roles, which don’t fall into the stereotype of girls wearing pink and boys wearing blue, or in which girls and boys are not just simply associated with the roles of a princess or a prince. In this panel moderated by Bahar Çuhadar and guided by Prof. Dr. Ayşe Bilge Selçuk and Firuze Engin, we will talk about how we can draw a more gender-equal, more realistic path on our journey of parenting. We will gain perspective in how to keep the world of our children, which is already equal in essence, true to its nature while we introduce them to the world of culture and art.

Since capacity for the event is limited, reservations must be made until Friday, October 1 for participation.

This theme titled ‘There is a Woman’s Hand’ aims to highlight the plays and discussions produced by women in the İstanbul Theatre Festival programme and to make women’s production more visible. All the plays and discussions in this theme are brought to the audience with the theme sponsorship of Odeabank.

With the contribution of the Arter
