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27 NOVEMBER FR. 20.00 (Turkish with French surtitles.)
29 NOVEMBER SU. 20.00 (French with Turkish surtitles.)

Lasts app. 85’; no intermission.


  • Written & Directed by: Ahmet Sami Özbudak
  • Producer & Supervisor: Ersin Umut Güler
  • Music: Gomidas
  • Music Director & Chorus Master: Hagop Mamigonyan
  • Ensemble: Lusavoric Chorus
  • Movement Design: Selçuk Göldere
  • Stage Design: Cihan Aşar
  • Costume Design: Özlem Kaya
  • Light Design: Cem Yılmazer
  • Translated from Turkish to French: Serra Yılmaz, Yiğit Bener
  • Production Executive: Mahir Yıldız
  • Assistant Director: Duygu Pelit
  • Character Dramaturgy: Sonya Dicle Çetin
  • Assistants: Emre Can Sancar, Özlem Yılmaz
  • Poster Design: Uğurcan Ataoğlu
  • Performance Photographs: Orhan Cem Çetin, Saygın Serdaroğlu
  • Performer: Fehmi Karaarslan
  • DIGITAL RECORD Directed by: Ersin Umut Güler
  • Director of Photography: Cemil Kızıldağ

Thanks to Türkiye Ermenileri Patrikliği, Meryem Ana Kilisesi Vakfı, Başrahip Tatul Anuşyan, Christian Schnell, Serdar Korucu, Birzamanlar Yayıncılık, Osman Köker, Kubilay Özmen, Alametifarika, Effective Media Production, Tufan Dağtekin, Barkod Beşiktaş, Sancak Payçu, Tütün Deposu, Turan Tayar, Burak Üzen, Cem Şahin, Cansu Tutkun

The audience may visit the exhibition titled My Heart Is Like Those Ruined Houses: The Life and Music of Gomidas Vartabed in the foyer before and after the performance free of charge. The exhibition was prepared by GALERİ BİRZAMANLAR.

A journey through the life story of Gomidas, a musician and music researcher who lived during the Ottoman period and has vastly influenced Armenian, Ottoman and world culture... The audience will meet Gomidas in the mental hospital where he spent his final years, and lead by an imaginary sheep in the artist’s mind, will travel from Kütahya to Eçmiyadzin, then to Berlin, Paris and Istanbul. We will witness the moments when this unique voice, this great artist whose ‘voice is heard on the sea coast,’ explores both himself and his music. As we listen to the songs he collected from the Armenian countryside, which he calls a ‘box of music’, the story of his deportation from Istanbul with Armenian intellectuals in 1915, and the church’s attitude when he decides to become a musician, through Gomidas Vartabed’s voice, the character will be accompanied by Lusavorich* Chorus at times. The play will be staged both in French and Turkish, the audience will be able to choose their preferred version.
