07-08.05.1994, 21.15, Taksim Stage


  • Creation, Staging and Coreography: Wojciech Misiuro

Teatr Ekspresji (The Theatre of Expression) was formed in 1987 by Wojciech Misuiro and a group of athletes and body builders. The artistic aim of the theatre is the search for a specific language which combines the elements of pantomime, balet, drama and the dynamism of athletics. Critics label Misuiro’s search as post-modernism. The productions are accompanied by a mixture of rock and classical music. ZUN, which was part of the official programme at the Edinburgh Festival in 1991, is a plot-lacking, anti-fictional, presentation of the contradictions which accompany the two indispensable elements of human existance: Nature and Culture, seen through the prism of senses, feelings and passion.
